OUR kindergarten CLASSROOM
Kindergarten Standards
Kradle To Kindergarten Preschool II - Kindergarten Program prepares children for success in first grade and beyond. The fun, engaging curriculum allows children to explore and discover their interests while learning academic essentials. This play-based kindergarten program is designed to develop children’s…
• Focusing on an activity for longer periods of time and continuing the activity even after being interrupted, which exhibit executive function skills;
• Demonstrating creativity and executive function skills by planning and creating a work of art that symbolizes something else.
• Exhibiting critical-thinking skills by understanding all the possible solutions to a problem and then, after careful consideration, trying the solution they feel will best solve the problem;
• Beginning to analyze problems in a story and then verbally solving the problems with the teacher, which use collaboration, communication, creativity and critical-thinking skills.
• Demonstrating social-emotional intelligence by forming stronger bonds with teachers and caregivers;
• Further developing communication skills by having longer, more elaborate conversations.
All programs are customized to your child’s progress, needs and age.
• Reading and Writing: Learning essential in language skills.
• Art and Music: Experiment with different materials and methods
• Health and physical education: Learn essentials about nutrition and functions of the body
• Social Studies: Identify major religious and civic holidays and historical figures; appreciate similarities and differences across individuals, families and traditions; understand different roles in communities
• Science: Use all senses to observe and experiment with plants and animals, weather and temperature